Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Few Good Hops and a Question of Place

Oh—the never-ending search for a fabulous blog-topic!  What is a gal to do when one is knee-deep in JaNoWriMO, embarking on a second date with a new CP, researching Victorian Glastonbury and can barely come up for air except to read fabulously hilarious and scintillating blogs by other writers who have obviously rationed their precious time better than I.  (Yes, that was one sentence.)

As a newbie to the blogosphere, I have been so encouraged and welcomed by many of you who have reached out and somehow found me in the myriad blogs that exist.  You have taken valuable time and read my words, left comments and shared in the communal blogging-bowl. Thanks so much.  Not only have your witty words and candid thoughts inspired me, but your sense of community has made me aspire to that level of kinship, and so today, I wanted to share some of that bountiful harvest with others.

I must herald the call to all those bloggers interested in a challenge of the alphabetical sort.  Our secret ninja guide and mentor, Alex J. Cavanaugh, whose blog is the veritable mecca to those of us thirsting for manna in the chaotic sea of choices has information regarding the A-Z Blogfest which sounds like good fun and should hold yet unearthed gems for upcoming blogs.  If you need to know anything about the writerly world, (or pit toilets) go ask Alec.  There you will also find the “Insecure Writers Support Group”, (badge is in my sidebar) a wonderful blog-hop with a blog-flavor for everyone.  Try a double-dip! Alex’s blog is veritable treasure trove of inspiration and support.  Get thee hence and become a member of the Ninja Army. 

Proof that I am truly a secret member of his minions is this talisman, which the Ninja Gods left for me to find recently.

M. Pax is also offering a fun blog-hop called "Back from the Future"  starting March 1st.  Since I find myself dealing with the theme of time-travel (of sorts) in my current MG novel, how could I refuse?  The prompt will draw you in and get that writer's brain prepare to be involved!

  Hart Johnson’s always titillating  “Confessions of a Watery Tart" provided not only laughs during a harried week, but thoughtful introspection as well, first on her high-larious piece about memory—or lack of it.  (I would tell more, but I have quite forgotten it.) 
Her clever poll about “What kind of writer are you?” got me to thinking, and I so enjoyed reading all of the comments.

Also, Misha Gericke is hosting a very community-oriented contest at her blog, "My First Book", where people can nominate/vote for favorite blogs in categories such as , “Most encouraging blogger”, “Best reviewer”,”Best writing/inspirational post” and “Beginner with most potential”.  Fun stuff.

Have a great week everyone, and in closing, and to keep those lovely, inspirational comments coming (to someone deep into researching a place) I would like to pose a question:  How do you research/prepare to write about place and setting?  Do you draw maps, or stalk Google-Earth like some strange cyber-tourist?  Do your characters follow real streets or just hang with “lane” and “road”.  Do you use your Aunt’s old house or create a new one?  How much is too much?  If you are writing fantasy, do you first create the place you are writing about, or does it create itself along the way?

Looking forward to hearing your tricks of the trade!
~Just Jill



  1. I've done the A to Z the last two years. It's great fun, but also quite exhausting. Gotta concentrate on the writing this year, so I'll probably just be a spectator this go around. But do join in. It's like blogging boot camp. :)

    Oh, and if you do join in, you must remove the captcha/word verification for your commenters. It's a must. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and also thanks the tips. I am definitely in the mood for a challenge, and I think it will be fun to see what everyone else comes up with. 26 days...hmm. I can do anything for 26 days right?

  2. Look at the tiny Ninja!!!
    Yes, the A to Z is amazing. I participated in the very first one in 2010 and there were only a hundred of us, but it changed by blog forever. One months is do-able. A theme helps - trust me! The first year I winged it. Q was Q*Bert. Yeah, really!

  3. A theme is a great idea. I've got one in the works and I'm hoping it will deliver.
    Thanks for stopping by and for your encouragement!

  4. Thanks so much for mentioning my blog!

    It's been nice getting to know you. :-)

    1. Thanks for taking the time and stopping by, Misha!

  5. I've yet to do the A-Z. April is a crazy month around here, as is November. Maybe if we ever sell our house, I can give it a shot. Looks like it would be fun.

    As for that other thing: coming up with blog ideas. Not sure if you've ever visited Amanda Borenstadt's blog, but she's got a sock full of resources.

    Here's the link for 42 Blog Post Ideas: file:///Users/joylene/Desktop/42-blog-post-ideas-for-authors-and.html

    1. Thanks for the links and for stopping by to read and comment, Joylene. The links are great!

  6. Thanks for sharing about the blogfests. I did Alex's A to Z last year- it was lots of work and yet so rewarding too. Speaking of A to Z, I did a post for it last year where I listed some resources on world building:

    Maybe some of the stuff here might answer your questions on writing about settings.

    1. Thanks Cynthia, these look great! I'm not exactly building a fantasy world, per se, but recreating Glastonbury England in modern times and in the Victorian era, though these links are still really applicable. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and post your thoughts.
      ~Just Jill

  7. Hey, thank you so much for the shout out! I think you're doing great with the blogging. All those events are great, but the key is getting around so people get around to YOU (and make you a habit, annallat), and you're doing it. Excellent to be NaNoing in January, too. I am a November/June girl, but I love WriMos. Though I am currently meant to be editing...

  8. I have to say I'm a glutton for editing. I've always been a detail kind of gal. Thanks for stopping by and for the good advice.
    ~Just Jill


Please use your words and comment freely! We really should meet!