People! This “writing
thing” is a lot of work! Nobody told me
it would be this hard! I just thought I
would put my half-baked little words down on paper, edit it a couple a times,
drink lots of coffee and “Wham!”—Best seller, right? (Insert sounds of doggie-whining here.)
I wonder what’s happening in the stars right now, because
it seems to me that many writers (and agents…but they write too) are blogging
about the challenges of writing. And I seem to be doing my fair-share of whining about it. These
blogs have been instrumental to me as as I have found myself, as of late, in the Dark-Hole of Inadequacy and
Self-Loathing. (F.Y.I. Not
as fun as Disney-World though it is located in Florida.)
My instincts (and others) inform me this is a natural process which occurs around the fourth full edit of a manuscript. Let's hope. I thought to share with you all some of the cheerleaders that have spurred me on to greater feats of bravery and fearlessness during the last week.
So perhaps you are feeling the pinch of fear as your
CP lets loose with a manuscript which makes your own MS appear sophomoric at
best, and you are wondering why the hell you ever thought you could write in
the first place? HiYah! Take that fear! Check out Kate Brauning’s blog entitled "A Writer's Poison: Fear" and get yourself
a new pair of huevos.
Think your manuscript is as slow as molasses in January? Finding stinging criticism in your inbox
flaying apart your most cherished passages and characters—or “your little
Darlings” as Chuck Wendig refers to them? Ka-Chow! To that! Get Busy! Edit without mercy and do the nasty wherever and
whenever necessary in your manuscript! Purge it in the fires of hell! (Read how to do it here at "Terribleminds".) the liver!
Terrified to rewrite a scene? Second verse same as the first? You can rewrite! You did it once, now do it again but be
better! Be Inspired (with horses), as Alex Yuschik advises in this marvelous blog .
We can do this, right?
What do you do when feeling blue? Have you ever succumbed to the pits of dispair and just gone back to being a regular old non-writing mortal? (Gasp!) Please share with us your tricks for getting through the fog!
~Just Jill
P.S. ~Just Jill