I have watched too much “Masterpiece Theater”, but as of late I have been
mulling over the demise of the formal greeting.
Today, in our country, one does not expect a bow and curtsy or a kiss on
the hand, but even a good, solid handshake seems to have fallen by the wayside,
substituted by a half-nod, and a “How ya doin’?”
we no longer “Pleased to make your acquaintance,” or do we not care “How do you
do?” Usually, it’s an emotional affair, with people asking us how we are, to which we reply back a hasty “Fine,”
regardless of our true state of affairs.
No one really wants to know
would be easy to blame the internet for this lack of formality. So many of us take part daily in an anonymous
exchange with strangers and think nothing of it. But is that really all there is to it?
decided to practice what I preach, and today, upon meeting a nice young woman, I
extended my hand and gave her a warm, sincere greeting, and I was shocked my
first thought would be that of my inner germaphobe, crying out that this girl
came from the University and must be inundated with nothing short of the
revelation was unsettling to me. Have I
really become that pathological that I would fear human contact? (Excuse me.
I’m very busy ignoring what my family has to say about this subject right now.) However,
could my very natural human reaction be one source of our reluctance to shake
hands? Millions are spent on commercials
showing us the contagious vermin lying in wait for us on every countertop and
toilet handle, and Purel stock has most certainly gone through the roof with the upsurge of designer flu-bugs everywhere we turn. While I do not think this knowledge will insight a rebirth of the bow
and curtsy of Mr. Daah-cy and Mistress Bennet, it really should, by no means,
limit our sincerity and genuine pleasure upon meeting another individual with
whom we share this planet.
urge you to contemplate your own standard greeting, and gussy it up a bit! In this season of greeting others, consider
spreading goodwill and amity to others, and oh hang it! perhaps a few germs as